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Hobie Fishing Worlds 9 – Postponed


Updated January 2021

Åmål, Sweden –

The International Hobie Fishing Worlds Team unfortunately announce that Hobie Fishing Worlds 9, scheduled for May 2021, will be postponed.

Sars Cov-2 cases world-wide are on the increase and International travel for the most part has come to a standstill.  The International Hobie Fishing Worlds Team, in the best interest of all parties, and given the uncertainty of safe international travel and return flight restrictions we have reschedule the event.

Venue & Dates

The venue will still be Åmål, Sweden and we are looking at date options to allow us to run a safe and successful event.

HFW9 Review Date

As part of our risk management strategy, we are going to review our date options in June 2021 and at that time provide competitors an update on the status of the event.

Thank You!

This event has been a vertical struggle with Sars Cov-2, and we cannot thank you enough for the understanding and the support on this matter.

If you have any questions, you can reach me at

Best regards,

Steve Fields

Director of International Strategic Development

Distribution and Event Management

Hobie Cat Company


Hobie Fishing Worlds 2024 from Lake St. Clair Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada is brought to you by the hard work and tireless promotion of the sport by the following sponsors,  organisations, and clubs.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their on-going assistance and support, without which putting on an event of this scale would not be possible.