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Competitor Checklist

Entry into Canada:

Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. Children under 16 only need proof of U.S. citizenship.



Check with the embassy of your destination regarding visa requirements. Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) or similar as needed.

Official Invite

When you travel to Canada make sure you have: your letter of introduction – Hobie Fishing Worlds Invite (just in case)

Flight Details

Return Flight Details needed, if asked at the border(s).

Safeguard Your Documents! Make copies of all your travel documents.  Leave one copy with a trusted friend or relative and carry the other separately from your original documents.  Also take a photograph of your travel documents with your phone to have an electronic copy.


Check your passport expiration dates as soon as you start planning a trip, and remember passports issued to children under 16 are only valid for only five years.  Some countries – including most of Europe – will require that your passport expiration date is at least six months away.  If you need a new passport, apply early to allow for delays; click here for passport information.


Some prescription drugs (including narcotics) and some U.S. over-the-counter medications are illegal in other countries. Check with the embassy of your destination(s) about regulations and documentation before you travel.

Don’t Forget

  • Cell Phone
  • Needed for the Tourney X Fishing / Scoring App (you may need to purchase a Canadian Sim Card)
  • Credit Card / Debit Card – for Hotel(s)
  • Rod / Reels / Tackle
  • Fishing License


Hobie Fishing Worlds 2024 from Lake St. Clair Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada is brought to you by the hard work and tireless promotion of the sport by the following sponsors,  organisations, and clubs.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their on-going assistance and support, without which putting on an event of this scale would not be possible.